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作家相片: twacgr2022twacgr2022

【研討會徵稿】「動漫遊台灣2024」國際學術研討會 年會舉辦時間:2024年4月20日(六) 年會舉辦地點:國立政治大學(台北市文山區指南路二段 64 號) 投稿截止期限:2023年10月25日(三)(500字摘要) 審查結果通知:2023年11月20日(一) 論文全文截稿:2024年3月20日(三)(以6000-8000字為原則) 主辦單位: 台灣ACG研究學會 合辦單位: 國立政治大學台灣史研究所 徵稿啟事: 聯絡信箱 —————————————————————————— 徵稿論文類別: (1)一般論文 (2)本次年會論文的子題計畫如下,7個子題間是彼此關聯的: 1、文本 2、迷 3、實踐 4、人文技術 5、BL 6、感覺 7、收藏 一般論文&年會論文投稿網址:

(3)自籌主題論文(panel):文化議題強烈、具有共同關懷之研究論文三至五篇。 投稿網址:



其他注意事項: 1. 每位發表者為單一作者之論文發表,以一篇為限。 2. 若與他人共組論壇,或第二作者合著身份,不在此限。 —————————————————————————— 年會主旨:   從2023年的研討會發掘到了許多受到重視的主題,本次研討會計畫將這些主題再加以擴大深掘。因此設計了7個子題,這7個子題彼此關聯的方式,即是這次主題的主旨:從身體到意識地探索ACG文化。





Subject Many significant themes emerged from " ACG Power in Taiwan: The First International Conference of Taiwan Association For Animation, Comics and Game Studies, 2023. " In the conference, 2024, we plan to expand and deepen these themes. As a result, a structure of 7 interconnected sub-themes has been designed. The overarching theme is "Exploring ACG Culture from the Physical to the Spiritual".

Firstly, there is a content text. This can manifest itself in various forms in the contemporary world, such as print, digital, AR, VR, animation, games and more. The creators may be individuals, teams or even a combination of algorithms, or it may be the result of collaboration between content senders and receivers. Audiences who engage with this content may like or even become obsessed with it, expressing their fascination in a variety of ways. These include physically related activities such as cosplay, as well as unrelated activities such as fan fiction, collecting, organising fan events and looking for deeper knowledge for understanding of the content.

On the other hand, ACG culture is also experienced in terms of intensity and depth of emotion. The love of ACG itself drives enthusiasts to act on their passion, such as becoming manga artists, collecting materials, or buying multiple copies of items. In turn, content providers and the industry must respond to this enthusiasm in order to expand the scope of the Taiwanese comic market.

Finally, the Comic Culture Museum will be inaugurated in December, 2023, and construction of a new museum will begin in 2024. The ACG conference will continue to dig deeper into the fertile soil of ACG culture and lay a stronger foundation for its future growth.

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